Select All Boxes Not Connectors in

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Open, create and save diagrams

Open up in Confluence

A diagram tin be created within any Confluence page, provided you accept permission to edit the folio. can be inserted similar any other macro, using the macro browser. Click the drop downward menu in the toolbar with the plus icon, and then click on " diagram". If " diagram" is non directly in this bill of fare, click on "Other macros" and enter "draw" in the search field at the top correct of the dialog.

(lightbulb) You can also utilize the curly subclass shortcut: "{draw" (Windows: "Alt Shift" + "vii", Mac: "Alt" + "viii").

Template managing director

The template manager is displayed, right after you placed the macro.

  • Click on the left menu particular " Diagrams" so "Bare" to create a new, empty diagram.
  • Use "Search" to notice existing diagrams to use as a template.
  • includes many templates past default (due east.g. flowcharts, listen maps, and more than). You can observe these in the diverse categories listed on the left.

Follow ane of this three points and the Editor will open up.

Relieve a diagram

When the editor is closed using the "Save and Exit" or "Go out" buttons, the Confluence folio is displayed.

The easiest way to save a diagram is using the "Save and Exit" button at the superlative correct corner. automatically saves the state of a diagram. If you mistakenly click "Exit", you can access and restore your changes when yous insert a new diagram.

Click "File" > "Save" in the menu to salvage a diagram without exiting

When you save a diagram for the offset time, a filename for the diagram is generated.
In the current release, you can non alter a diagram's filename within Confluence subsequently it has been created.

Afterward saving a diagram, it can be edited at whatever time - click on the diagram, and then click on "Edit" in the toolbar.

View way

In view mode, you can display a larger version of the diagram by clicking on information technology (zoom in, zoom out).

You can change the display of the diagram when editing the Confluence folio (size, border, etc.).
When y'all click on a diagram in edit style, a toolbar is displayed either higher up or below the diagram. SERVER Only

The following options are available on this toolbar:

  • Change how the diagram is displayed within the Confluence folio (border, toolbar, etc.)
  • Indistinguishable the diagram
  • Change the displayed size within the page (in the same way as images in Confluence)
  • Remove the diagram

Navigation in the diagram editor

You already know how to create diagrams in Confluence.

In the next section, yous will acquire how to utilise the command panels and navigate inside the editor.

The drawing area is in the middle. Everything located here is visible in the diagram on the Confluence page later on saving.
The two about important navigation functions are moving the visible drawing area (panning or scrolling), and zooming in and out.

Use the mouse wheel or the scroll bars to scroll the cartoon area vertically or horizontally.
Similarly, you can click and concur the right mouse button and elevate the visible drawing area around.

Y'all tin can zoom in and out using the magnifying glass icons on the toolbar.
Alternatively, press the "Alt" fundamental and utilize the mouse wheel to zoom.
You can run across the current zoom status in the toolbar.

The control panels are divided into three sections.

First is a horizontal toolbar in a higher place the drawing expanse.
The most important tools and the main menu are located in this top toolbar, as well as in the format console on the correct.
Which tools are available depends on the context. For example, unlike tools are displayed when you lot are working with text compared to when you are working with objects.

Similarly, the format panel contents alter depending on the context.
When you select an object, y'all can customize the display, the included text, or the arrangement and size in the format panel.
When cipher is selected, the cartoon area itself may be customized.
The symbol library is displayed on the left paw side of the cartoon area, and contains a variety of shapes organized into categories.
Only click on a shape from the symbol library, or click and drag the shape into the diagram.
The shapes in the symbol library are categorized. Yous can expand or collapse these categories as needed.

You tin select multiple shapes by holding the "Shift" key and selecting the shapes you want to utilise.

To delete all of the shapes you added from the symbol library. Hold the "Shift" cardinal, select all of the shapes, then click on the trash icon in the toolbar.
Alternatively, instead of using the toolbar to delete the selected shapes, simply printing the "Delete" or "Backspace" key.

Place and edit shapes

Select and move multiple objects

To move a single object, click on the object, agree the mouse button down and move the object to its new position.

To move multiple objects, select them with a frame as described beneath (or with the "Shift" key), and then move them to their new position. It is of import that the mouse cursor is over ane of the selected objects when yous movement them.

When the objects are close to each other, you tin select them by clicking, holding the mouse button downwardly, and 'drawing' a frame around all of the objects.
It is important to starting time in an empty space in the cartoon surface area, and ensure that the frame completely surrounds all of the objects y'all want to select.

If you lot want to change the color of all symbols and lines, select them equally above, and so select the color yous desire to use.

(info) If yous have made a fault, yous can undo your changes using the undo arrow in the toolbar at any time.


There are various means to duplicate an object:

    • Using the bill of fare: Edit > Copy, then Edit > Paste
    • Using the menu: Edit > Duplicate (you save a step)
    • Keyboard shortcuts: "Ctrl" + "C" then "V" for re-create + paste, or "Ctrl" + "D" for duplicate

Scale & rotate

To calibration an object (make it smaller or larger), you tin can simply move whatever of the 8 bluish points on the object.

To proportionally resize an object, hold downwardly the "Shift" key every bit y'all motion the points. Click hither to see how information technology works.

Click on the rotate symbol to rotate the object in the desired direction.
To more accurately scale or rotate an object, use the Shape Format panel on the right hand side when the object is selected.
Click on the "Adjust" tab, then yous can alter the size, position and angle of the selected object.

If you desire to change the height of a rectangle to match an earlier rectangle, copy the acme value from the beginning rectangle to the electric current rectangle.
You tin can likewise rotate an object by changing its Angle or by using Flip.

Replace objects

To supercede an object, elevate a shape from the symbol library onto the object y'all desire to change, until the "Replace" symbol is displayed.
To supervene upon multiple objects, select them, and then hold down the "Alt" key and select the shape you want to use from the symbol library, or drag a shape onto one of the selected objects.

Insert and edit text

Text in an object

You tin can insert text straight in any object. Click on the object, and then enter your text. The text and the object are e'er grouped together. For case, yous don't accept to select both the object and text individually before moving the object.
Similarly, you can add together text to whatever connection. Double click on a connection and enter your text.
You tin too add text anywhere in the cartoon area (outside of objects and connections).
Double click on an empty area, or select "Text" from the library.
Text inside of an object wraps automatically.
You can edit the text formatting using the "Text" tab on the format console.

Text on connections

Text on connections tin wrap over multiple lines.
Yous tin can also add multiple text labels on one line.
Move a text field by clicking on the yellow dot and dragging it to a new position.
Y'all can move any text field on a connection with this method.
When you want to reposition a connexion with its text, just motion the connection.
You can change the text size, font, color, and more.

Free Texts

Text can besides be placed completely free (without form or line) on the surface. To do this, double-click on a free surface area or insert "text" from the library.

Connections and arrows

Connections from the object itself

If you lot hover the mouse cursor over an unselected object (without clicking), you will see multiple minor crosses (connectedness points), and iv bluish arrows (connection arrows).

You need to be careful not to hover over aselected object, considering then, only the blue connection arrows are displayed.

A connection can be created using one of the small-scale crosses (connection points), or with ane of the bluish connection arrows.
When you hover over a connexion point, it will be highlighted green, so you know you are in the right position.

Connections in the library

To insert a connector from the symbol library, click on the connection you desire to apply., and then elevate and driblet it from the library into position on the drawing surface area.

You can and so connect the ends of the connectors to the connection points on whatever of the objects inside your diagram.

Duplicate and connect objects

Click on the bluish arrow at the bottom of an object to duplicate it and its content (shape, colour, size), and automatically connect the duplicated object to the original.

If another object is nearby when you lot click on the blue arrow, information technology will non duplicate the object, just instead link the two existing objects together.
By default, a connection with an arrow is used, but you can change this or delete the pointer in the "Style" tab of the format panel.

(info) There are several means to duplicate shapes and work with connectors.

Revision history, import & export

Versions (revision history)

Changes to a diagram are directly saved in Confluence in the page history.
This includes the date and time of the change, as well every bit the user who made the modify.
You can restore older versions of a diagram from the page history.

  • No labels

This page was last edited on 08/19/2021.


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