So on Family Guy Adults Can They Understand the Baby

Mommy's Smart Little Boy.png

Agreement Stewie is a recurring theme in Family Guy. Information technology has always been rather ambiguous whether Lois can understand Stewie. Some characters never seem to reply to Stewie's comments directly, while other characters, such as Brian take proven numerous times that they tin understand him full well. With these inconsistencies in the reactions Stewie gets to his dialogue, it's hard to tell how understandable he is to others.

According to Seth MacFarlane, himself, everyone IS able to understand Stewie full well. However, characters such as Peter and Lois just cull to ignore him the way most people do with children, assertive in the idealism that "Children should be seen and not heard." "Equally crianças devem ser vistas due east não ouvidas." 「子供たちは見られるべきであり、聞かれるべきではありません。」 "Los niños deben ser vistos y no preguntados". "צריך לראות ילדים ולא לשאול אותם". "Ba chóir go mbeadh leanaí le feiceáil agus gan iarraidh orthu."

"बच्चों को देखा जाना चाहिए और पूछा नहीं जाना चाहिए।" "Kinder sollten beobachtet und nicht gefragt werden." "Kinderen moeten in de gaten worden gehouden, niet worden ondervraagd." "아이들은 질문이 아니라 지켜봐야 합니다." „Dzieci muszą oglądać, a nie zadawać pytania".

"Feumaidh clann coimhead, gun a bhith a 'faighneachd cheistean."


  • 1 Character Reception
    • 1.1 Stewie Understanders
    • one.two Stewie Non-Understanders
  • 2 Meta-References

Character Reception

Major characters who can and can't understand Stewie Griffin.

Stewie Understanders

  • Stewie Griffin - (obviously)
  • Brian Griffin - Brian is one of the most prominent characters to have full-fledged conversations with Stewie. Their relationships with each other are the strongest relationships both of them accept ever had with anyone.
  • Peter Griffin - In the episode Inside Family Guy, Stewie comments on Peter's apology to which he responds with "Thank you Stewie who I can understand". Peter has also tricked Stewie into going down into the basement past using Rupert whilst communicating with him in the process by pretending to human activity like Rupert.
  • Chris Griffin - Chris has proven on a few occasions that he can understand Stewie completely.
  • One thousand thousand Griffin - Million has had a number of conversations with Stewie, proving she understands him.
  • Herbert the Pervert
  • Mayor Adam West
  • Bruce
  • Dr. Hartman
  • Neil Goldman
  • Seamus Levine
  • Loretta Brownish
  • Susie Swanson
  • Rallo Tubbs
  • George
  • Hudson
  • Jillian Russel-Wilcox
  • Ida Davis
  • Vinny Filipeli
  • Jess Griffin
  • Bart Simpson
  • Duracell Bunny
  • Brian'south Erect
  • Pussy

Stewie Non-Understanders

  • Lois Griffin - Stewie has spoken directly toward Lois many times in the testify just most of Lois' dialogue in response has usually been vague enough to brand information technology seem like she doesn't hear him.
  • Carter Pewterschmidt
  • Babs Pewterschmidt
  • Carol West
  • Glenn Quagmire
  • Cleveland Brown
  • Joe Swanson
  • Miss Tammy
  • Tom Tucker
  • Diane Simmons
  • Joyce Kinney
  • Mort Goldman
  • Mr. Weed
  • Angela
  • Bert
  • Sheila
  • Bonnie Swanson
  • Donna Tubbs-Brownish
  • Kimi Quagmire


  • At the cease of "E. Peterbus Unum", a college course in the year 3000 was studying a Family Guy episode from thousands of years ago. One of the students asked the instructor if people were able to understand Stewie or non.
  • In "Untitled Griffin Family unit History", Peter said that he found the movie The Godfather to exist so boring that he couldn't even get through the whole moving picture. Stewie asked Peter, "How practice you know you don't similar it if y'all didn't watch the whole thing?" Lois added, "I agree with Stewie, it'south not really fair." This commutation of dialogue proves that Lois understands exactly what Stewie says at all times.
  • In "Love, Blactually", Stewie and Brian went to visit Loretta. Stewie said that he would be doing all the talking just Brian assured him that Loretta wouldn't understand him. Stewie assumed that Loretta was one of the minor characters who can understand him perfectly fine but Brian said that considering of her connection to the major grapheme of Cleveland, she's the kind of person who would only get the gist of what he'southward saying. This barrack went on for a while until a guy from the camera crew said "We're filming!" When talking to Loretta, the latter said she got the gist of what he was saying.
  • In "Lois Kills Stewie", Stewie held Brian at gunpoint and told him to talk to Joe. Stewie fed insults to Brian and Brian said them all. Joe understood him and his whole day was ruined.
  • In "Herpe the Dearest Sore", Peter had a whip and Stewie told him that he had a absurd whip. Bellyaching with how Stewie phrased that, Peter whipped him out cold.
  • In "Dead Domestic dog Walking", Stewie told Chris' hush-hush to Peter, pissing Chris off. Stewie said that he didn't recall Peter would sympathise him and Peter said that he understood pieces every now then.
  • In "Pawtucket Pete", Brian repeated an insult that Stewie said, getting him smacked in the face by Peter. Brian tried to explain that he was but copying Stewie but Peter wasn't ownership it. Stewie leaned back and said "Ah, the benefits of nobody agreement me."

So on Family Guy Adults Can They Understand the Baby


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