Cheap and Easy Diets to Lose Weight

1200 calorie meal plan

Pattern by Betsy Farrell

When it comes to all things weight loss, the simplest, fastest way to make impactful, lasting alter is to form habits you can actually stick with for life. That's why this program involves an easy-to-follow meal planning guide. This total calendar week of healthy (and succulent!) food volition take the guesswork out of grocery shopping and prepping with nutritionist-approved breakfast, lunch, and dinner ideas. If you have a higher activity level, check out these ane,300-, ane,400-, 1,500-, and 1,800-calorie meal plans as well.

calorie meal plan

Design past Betsy Farrell

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Many experts agree that long-term weight loss is only possible if you make healthy food choices on the regular. If y'all're looking for menu ideas, we've consulted with registered dietitians on this unproblematic one,200-calorie repast plan for 7 days.

Nosotros also want to note that weight loss, health and body paradigm are complex subjects — before deciding to go on this diet, nosotros invite you gain a broader perspective by reading our exploration into the hazards of nutrition culture.

salad mix plate shot from above on rustic wooden table

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What You Should Know About This Meal Plan

While 1,200 calories may be the right amount for some people, information technology can be very restrictive for other s, says Stefani Sassos, K.S., R.D., C.D.Due north, Registered Dietitian for the Good Housekeeping Establish. That's why we're using ane,200 every bit our base, and encourage you to build upon these meal and snack ideas by doubling (or tripling, quadrupling …you get the point!) up on veggies at any opportunity — and adding more fruit at snack time, too. You tin can also add 1-5 ounces of protein at all meals if at any point you're feeling like information technology's but not enough nutrient to go along you satisfied. The combo of fiber from produce and lean protein makes this an adjustable strategy that'll help you lose weight safely — one meal at a fourth dimension! And you tin can consider complementing this plan with a daily multivitamin besides.

Acquire more virtually how to safely lose weight and dear the nutrient you lot're eating with 1,200 Calories and More: The Complete Guide to Building Your Perfect Weight-Loss Meal Programme from Skilful Housekeeping — choose from our xiv-day, 21-24-hour interval, and 28-mean solar day menu plans.

Breakfast Cereal

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Day i: Breakfast

Combine 3/iv cup bran flakes, 1 assistant, and one cup fatty-free milk in a bowl.

turkey pita sandwich

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broiled fish

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Day 1: Dinner

Serve four ounces baked flounder or sole with 2 sliced plum tomatoes sprinkled with two tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, broiled until merely golden. Swallow with one cup cooked couscous and i loving cup steamed broccoli. Enjoy with a single-serve ice cream (like whatever of these delicious picks!) for dessert.

Sweet Homemade Healthy Berry Smoothie

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Vegetable soup

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Grilled chicken breasts in lime sauce

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Oatmeal porridge with apple

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healthy chicken salad

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Solar day 3: Lunch

To brand a chicken salad, toss iv ounces shredded skinless roast craven breast with 1/4 loving cup sliced cerise grapes, i tablespoon slivered almonds, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise, and 1 tablespoon plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt. Serve over lettuce. Eat with 1 banana.

Cooked shrimp

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Day iii: Dinner

Serve 4 ounces steamed shrimp with 1 baked potato topped with 3 tablespoons salsa and 1 tablespoon unsweetened Greek yogurt, plus 3 cups spinach, steamed. Terminate the repast off with 1 ounce of chocolate or a 100- to 150-calorie ice cream bar.

yogurt and almonds

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Day 4: Breakfast

Top ane/ii toasted English muffin with one/2 small apple, sliced, and 1 ounce shredded reduced-fatty cheese, any type. Microwave 30 seconds on high. Serve with 2/three cup manifestly, unsweetened Greek yogurt sprinkled with ane tablespoon slivered almonds.

tomato soup with green basil

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Best Foods for Hair Growth

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Solar day iv: Dinner

Serve iv ounces poached salmon with a slaw made by tossing one i/4 cups coleslaw mix and 2 sliced scallions with ane tablespoon of rice vinegar and i 1/two teaspoons olive oil. Add spices, herbs, and seasoning equally desired. Pair with three/4 cup of a 100% whole grain (like quinoa) and an apple on the side.

Healthy cold cereal in a white bowl

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healthy quesadilla

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Mean solar day 5: Luncheon

Make a quesadilla by spreading ane/4 cup fat-free refried beans over a 100% stone-ground corn tortilla. Sprinkle on 1 ounce shredded part-skim cheese. Top with salsa and another tortilla; microwave 45 seconds on loftier. Serve with cucumber spears and 1/2 cup ii% cottage cheese or Greek yogurt topped with 2 clementines.

pork tenderloin

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Day 5: Dinner

Serve 3 ounces roasted pork tenderloin with 1 cup broiled acorn squash, mashed with a compression of cinnamon; 2 to 3 cups salad greens with a dash of olive oil and as much vinegar as desired; and chocolate or an ice cream bar for dessert (100 to 150 calories).

whole grain waffle and banana

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Day 6: Breakfast

Toast 1 100% whole-grain frozen waffle, spread with ii tablespoons nut butter, and top with 1 pocket-size sliced banana plus cinnamon and nutmeg. Serve with viii ounces fat-complimentary milk.

Pita bread filled with tuna salad

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Mean solar day vi: Luncheon

Make a tuna pita with 1 mini whole-wheat pita, two ounces water-packed tuna, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise, mustard, cucumber, and onion slices. Serve with ten baby carrots and 2/iii cup manifestly, unsweetened Greek yogurt with a small-scale pear.


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poached egg and spinach

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Black beans salad

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Day 7: Dejeuner

Brand blackness bean salad by tossing 1/2 cup canned blackness beans, one/2 loving cup orange slices, chopped red bong peppers, red onion, scallions, and whatever other desired veggies with 1 teaspoon vinegar. Serve over salad greens. Serve with 1 100% stone ground corn tortilla and a piece of fruit.

flank steak and sweet potato

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