Benedict Cumberbatch Funny Benedict Cumberbatch Smaug Gif


On Friday, Bridegroom Cumberbatch turned the internet into Cumberpudding. He did Reddit's "Ask Me Anything" and he was witty, smart, funny, sassy and but flat-out wonderful. CB even has Cumberfeelings now (BITCH, Dorsum OFF) which should tell you something. Usually she's ride-or-die for Matty D. Anyhow, less talking, more than Cumbying. You can read the full Reddit AMA here, and here are my favorites:

Practice you lot, Matt smith, and Tom Hiddleton have cheek bone polishing parties?
Nosotros like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny fourth dimension traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend f–k fantasy. Get to work on that, internet.

What do yous retrieve of your fans calling themselves 'Cumbercookies'? That style when nosotros all come together, we'll exist the 'Cumberbatch'
It's great! You could call yourself the Cumbergirls, and so when you come together you'd exist a flock. Or y'all could call yourself the Cumbertadpoles and that way you lot'd be the Cumberspawn…Wait!…Ew! Don't practice that.

Is fame dissimilar from how you imagined it would be?
You tin can't imagine fame. You tin only ever see it from an outsider and comment on it with the rueful wisdom of a non participant. When it happens to yous, it doesn't matter what age or how, it is a very steep learning curve. The imprtanot thing to realize in all of it is that life is short, to protect the ones y'all love, and not expose yourself to too much abuse or egotistic reflection gazing and movement on. If fame affords me the blazon of ability to do the kind of piece of work I'm existence offered, who am I to mutter well-nigh the downsides. It'southward all relative. And this are obviously very high class issues. The way privacy becomes an every shrinking island is inevitable merely as well manageable and it doesn't necessary have to become that manner…

What's the weirdest see y'all've had with a fan?
Ted Danson at a pre-Oscar party screaming across a floor of people similar Leonardo DiCaprio, Ray Liotta, Kristen Stewart, Kirsten Dunst, et al while pushing past them and knocking their drinks. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! IT'Due south F–Rex SHERLOCK HOLMES!"

Mr. Cumberbatch, everyone loves you for a myriad of reasons: your personality, looks, hair, cheekbones, you name it. I was wondering, what'south your favorite role virtually you?
I guess as an role player your eyes are vital in conveying any internal thought process or feeling, and for that I have my mum to thank. Other than that, I'chiliad happy to default to your judgements.

Is it difficult to continue the surreptitious of how Sherlock survived? Do you ever take the urge to tell someone? If and so, how do yous cope?
I cry myself to sleep at nighttime. And then wake up laughing.

My wife would sincerely like to know if you are wearing anything nether your robe….. please respond, this is important for our mental wellbeing.
You should exist asking who'south naked under it with me.

What are a few of your favorite comfort movies that are nostalgic to you and you never tire of?
Ghostbusters. Loads of John Hughes classics. Annie Hall. annnnnd 2001 Space Odyssey!!

With your (crazy) filming schedule, what animate being comforts exercise yous look forward to the most when returning home?
Walking or running on Hampstead Heath, seeing my friends and family, cooking for myself, and the embrace of those I love. Across that, a whisky, the burn and a good book.

Julian Assange'south open letter to y'all criticizing The Fifth Manor is very intense. He even goes so far equally to call yous a "hired gun" for distorting the truth (or at to the lowest degree what he views every bit his truth). Did this affect the way you portrayed him or even make you lot second guess your part at all in this film?
Aye, of course it did. To have the homo you are about to portray enquire you intelligently and politely not to do it gave me existent cause for business organisation, still, it galvanized me into addressing why I was doing this picture show. He accuses me of existence a "hired gun" as if I am an easily bought cypher for correct fly propaganda. Non only do I Not operate in a moral vacuum but this was not a pay solar day for me at all. I've worked far less hard for more than financial advantage. This project was of import to me because of the integrity I wanted to bring to provocative difficult but ultimately timely and a truly of import figure of our mod times. The idea of making a picture almost someone who so far removed from my likeness or situation who brought nearly an ideal through personal sacrifice that has changed the way we view both social media, the power of the individual to have a voice in that infinite, and be able to question both the hypocrisies and wrongdoings of organizations and bodies of powerful people that rule our lives… This resonated deeply with my beliefs in civil liberty, a healthy democracy, and the human rights of both communities and individuals to question those in potency. I believe that the film, quite clearly, illuminates the groovy successes of wikileaks and its extraordinary founder Julians Assange. As well as, examining the personalities involved and what become a dysfunctional relationship within that system. While the legacy of his deportment and the organizations continue to evolve and merely history will be the true gauge of where this is leading us. The Fifth Estate is a powerful, if dramatized, entry betoken for a discussion nearly this extraordinary lurch forward in our social club. I wanted to create a three dimensional portrait of a man far more maligned in the tabloid printing than he is in our movie to remind people that he is not just the weird, white haired Australian dude wanted in Sweden, hiding in an embassy backside Harrods. But a true forcefulness to exist reckoned with, achieved the realization of the swell ideal. I'm proud to be involved in tackling such a contentious graphic symbol and script. There is only personal truth in my opinion, and the film should provoke debate and not consensus. Information technology should exist enjoyable and ultimately empowering to realize that Julian has spearheaded a movement that is the foundations rock of The Fifth Estate, people journalism and what that is capable of including finding out the "truth" for yourself.

[From Reddit]

I honey him for misspelling "judgment" (I practise that too which patently means that we should get married) and I love him for loving his eyes. I want to stare into his beautiful eyes as nosotros sit past the fire and he reads me poetry (with THAT Vox) and he sips his whiskey. My new happy identify.

Hither's Benedict'southward interview with Jimmy Fallon on Fri:

And hither'southward Benedict'south interview with Graham Norton – Harrison Ford was lovely simply is it only me or is Jack Whitehall really annoying? He's very endeavor-hard. Cumby is lovely though. And his Chewbacca impression is AMAZE-BALLS.

Photos courtesy of Reddit


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