The Death and Life of Bobby Z Reviews

The Death and Life of Bobby Z (2007) Poster

5 /10

Herzfeld tries another Tarantino style picture

The plot: Kearny, a loser convict,is pushed into impersonating Bobby Z, a larger-than-life drug dealer, in a hostage trade, simply to notice both his ain and Bobby Z'south enemies trying to kill him.

Herzfeld previously directed two Days in the Valley, a Tarantino ripoff if always at that place was one. However, unlike most people, I actually kind of liked information technology. This picture show is another attempt to clone Tarantino'south fashion, heavy on flashbacks, stylized violence, and witty anti-heroes. Unfortunately, information technology's not all that great, only information technology did manage to keep my interest for the runtime.

Bobby Z is built up as a small-time glory in the local surfer scene, every bit well every bit a rising star in drug distribution. Kearney, on the other hand, is a iii fourth dimension loser with a cost on his head. The motion-picture show compares and contrasts their personalities many times, with Bobby Z existence revealed as a manipulative, egocentric jerk, while Kearney shows many admirable qualities despite his impulsive violence.

After a somewhat grim opening, the movie becomes quite lighthearted. In fact, I'm really at a loss as to why they even opened the flick with such a dark and disturbing bit of character development if they were just going to completely ignore it for the rest of the moving-picture show. Oh well. Much of the pic is similar this, however. Whenever anything shocking and dramatic happens, it'southward instantly forgotten by the adjacent scene, where everyone pretends that it never happened. Fifty-fifty beingness shot seems to exist glossed over rather apace with some brief first assist. It reminded me of a video game, where picking up a first aid kit heals your character of all wounds.

The acting was passable. Information technology was certainly better than many direct-to-video movies, but nobody actually stood out. I guess the script didn't actually permit anyone to smoothen, though I was probably well-nigh disappointed that Laurence Fishburne was given such a bland role. Still, it's always fun to see him, even if it'southward in such a small and clichéd role.

If you're looking for an action movie, this will probably satisfy y'all, simply I'd be surprised if you remembered it after or recommended it to your friends.

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vii /10

An In a higher place-Average Beer & Pizza Movie . . .

Warning: Spoilers

"xv Minutes" managing director John Herzfeld'south "Bobby Z" rates as an to a higher place-average action thriller with double-crosses, shoot'em ups, and surprises, simply everything seems a footling besides routine in the long run. "Fast & Furious" star Paul Walker plays three-time loser Tim Kearney. Herzfeld and scenarists Bob "4 AM: Open All Night" Krakower and Allen Lawrence recount Kearney'due south career in an amusing series of flashbacks that may be the funniest thing almost "Bobby Z." In short, "Bobby Z" is a tolerable beer and pizza movie with an R-rating and about 90 minutes worth of mayhem. No,you lot tin forget virtually female person nudity. The hackneyed theme of mistaken identities is played out again with niggling to get in memorable, butthere is enough gunplay to keep you distracted. The best thing in the Krakower and Lawrence screenplay is that they keep the hero on the run, outnumbered, and constantly improvising. Equally for their fidelity to Don Winslow'south novel, that is another question, since I haven't read it.

The plot relies on the timeworn theme of deceit. D.E.A. Agent Tad Gruzsa (Lawrence Fishburne of "The Matrix" trilogy) offers former Marine and three-fourth dimension loser Tim Kearney a quick and easy way to get out of prison. Kearney is eager to take Gruzsa'due south bargain because he has just killed a fellow member of the Aryan Brotherhood, Maddog (Chuck Liddell of "How High") with an auto license plate when the pugnacious thug pulls a knife on him. Indeed, Kearney slashes Maddog's throat but as surely as if he had wielded a pocketknife. Now, the unabridged Aryan Alliance both in and out of stir demands payback. Meanwhile, a ruthless, Mexican drug-lord, Don Huertero (Joaquim de Almeida of "Desperado"), has taken Gruzsa'southward partner hostage. Gruzsa must produce a legendary, surfer dude with a reputation as an infamous pot smuggler to get his partner dorsum to safety.

Of course, in that location is more here than meets the eye, but Herzfeld plays his aces close to his belong and doesn't reveal the surprises until the final quarter-hour. Anyway, Gruzsa and his new partner take Kearney to a rendezvous on the border where the exchange is scheduled to accept place. During the exchange, Gruzsa shows his true colors and breaks out an set on burglarize. He tries to impale Kearney, simply he misses our hero narrowly when Kearney trips over the railroad between the bad guys and the practiced/bad guys. Gruzsa kills his next partner and snuffs some of the opposition before he clears out. Later, he checks in at a tattoo parlor run past Boom Boom (M.C. Gainey of "Con Air") and reveals that Kearney is out and beyond the border. Blast Boom mobilizes the Brotherhood, and they set off in pursuit on their bikes.

In Mexico, Kearney is recaptured by Don Huertero'south henchman and taken to his palatial estate. Kearney meets Bobby Z's girlfriend Elizabeth (the strikingly gorgeous Olivia Wilde of "Turistas") and she has sex with Kearney and knows that he isn't Bobby Z. Meanwhile, Kearney learns that Bobby Z has a kid, xi-yr old Kit (Juan Villareal of "Harvest of Redemption") and the two bail when Kearney escapes from the hacienda with the bad guys hot on their trail lead by Johnson (Keith Carradine of "The Long Riders") who likes to spit every time that he meets somebody of whom he disapproves. Yous volition be amazed at how this obnoxious character buys the farm.

"Bobby Z" is complicated enough to be interesting, merely it remains altogether a little too smug to be attain the greatness of something like "True Romance." Happily, Walker doesn't play a dual role. Meantime, Walker delivers a potent, charismatic operation every bit the eponymous character. He plays information technology gratis, loose, and like shooting fish in a barrel. Yeah, there is a happy ending that seems a picayune likewise unbelievable, but and so it's simply a film. Comparably, "Bobby Z" isn't as much fun as "Into the Blue" or "Running Scared."

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v /ten

Not besides bad for straight to DVD

For a seemingly low budget film, Bobby Z wasn't too bad. Moves pretty quickly, but with a weak storyline and plot, information technology is clear why it was a straight to DVD feature. Paul Walker does a decent job with a character that an Actor won't be able to do much with, except get with the flow. No existent surprises, or twists and turns, but straight to the signal B rated action. Really has some pretty good fighting sequences and shoot outs. Laurence Fishburne is surprisingly cast as a supporting with a weak operation, mainly due to the script and content and possibly direction too. Bobby Z is definitely a skillful B film, with a rating of 5 overall because everything listed in a higher place. All in all, this moving-picture show is definitely worth watching if yous're only chillin' with 97 minutes to spare. And Paul Walker is not nearly every bit bad an Player as anybody tries to make him out to be. Have fun.

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7 /10

Movie was funny, entertaining and I enjoyed it.

While information technology'southward no worse than much of the action picture junk that makes it to theatres, Bobby Z, originally entitled The Decease and Life of Bobby Z, is a activeness thriller with Tim Kearney (Walker) as our hero. Kearney is a convict who's an ex-Marine and clearly not and then much a bad person equally i who has frequently found himself in trouble due to circumstance rather than intent. This gives director John Herzfeld, whose ain career hacs been on less than an up-tick since the appropriately named 15 Minutes came and went in about that long, a premise for having a good guy hero who all the same fits the characterization of a tough convict.

The slightly convoluted storyline sees Kearney – whose life is in peril since he killed a biker gang boss in prison (self defence force, of course) – offered an opportunity to walk free, as long as he's willing to impersonate a drug kingpin who happens to look but like Kearney, and who has only died. Fishburne plays the Drug Enforcement Agency cop who puts Kearney up to this job.

Before you tin can say 'gunfights are fun', Kearney is being shot at by the cops, manhandled by Mexican drug thugs, pursued by the bikers, and generally in demand by everyone, regardless of whether they think he's Kearney or Bobby Z. Our hero, of course, dodges the bullets, battles the bad guys, befriends Bobby Z'due south son (who has never met his dad) and romances a beautiful woman (Olivia Wilde) whose human relationship with the bad guys is a bit hazy, but conspicuously quite intimate.

Filled with head scratching twists and cornball dialogue, this is not exactly a bright picture. Yet it's got a slick await and at to the lowest degree a few passably enjoyable activity scenes. And Walker, while never likely to be mistaken for a Shakespearian thespian, has the good looks and charisma to lead the manner hither. At least his grapheme isn't loaded down with as many stupidly threatening lines as Fishburne's. Wilde too does a passable task as Kearney's conflicted love involvement; she's mainly called upon to look good (which she accomplishes rather hands), only as well doesn't muff her lines when she does take something to say.

Moving-picture show was funny, entertaining and I enjoyed information technology.

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eight /10

This was fun

I saw this picture show terminal night at a special screening for audience feedback. Paul Walker really can human action - I was pleasantly surprised. I originally idea he was simply bandage for his looks, simply tin can run into he has good acting abilities.

Motion-picture show was funny, worked well and I enjoyed information technology. The activeness scene in the kitchen was great and intense, kept me on the edge of my seat.

Lawrence Fishburn - as always - keen! He's a solid actor and his part every bit the DEA Amanuensis worked perfectly.

Paul'southward pretty love interest (Olivia Wilde from the OC)chemistry was lacking.

Chuck Liddell, although was only in the beginning of the flick was disarming. In that location was also a girl named Ashley who I would have like to see more of. She's hot!

The kid looks like he'll have a career ahead of him. The relationship between the kid and Paul Walker worked well and was believable. Not sure where I've seen him before, merely he may have a promising career.

I liked the sequence of the picture - it starts with a mystery and the flashback kept me trying to figure out what was going to happen side by side. I liked the movie tin can't wait to encounter on meet information technology on the big screen. Hope if comes out soon.

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4 /10

Presently to be in the 99cent sent bit!

Warning: Spoilers

Before long to exist in the 99 cent bin in a video store near you! Paul Walker is a peachy actor who gets bad roles. I love Paul'south stage presents, mannerism, and humour which creates bang-up acting power. The directing and acting is excellent. However, the story is class b junk food for the mind. Turn your brain off for this film! A unbelievable and stupid story, rest by Paul's character who is a likable looser, which finally catches a break. A lot of eye candy for both sexes in Bobby Z, forth with explosions etc. Bobby Z tries to exist like Lurid Fiction, and one could telephone call Bobby Z mini Pulp Fiction. 4 out of 10. Worth watching while drinking beers with pizza.

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half dozen /ten

Beat by a loser.

To see Thirteen (Olivia Wilde) from Firm makes the movie a "must-run into" all by itself. Merely in that location is much more promise in this film with action star Paul Walker, and the ever popular Laurence Fishburne.

Walker is playing this drug dealer and is trying to go Fishburne'due south partner dorsum. Yous know, what tin can go wrong, will go wrong. Now, he is on his ain.

The name of the game hither is action. From the showtime scene, we see Tim/Bobby (Walker) getting in problem, and information technology never stops. Later an heady horse/motorcycle hunt, he takes off with his (Bobby's) son. He has the feds, the drug lords, and a biker gang after him. Non a good bet to survive, only he is an ex-Marine. Never bet against the Marines.

Don't look anything more than fast action and you will not be disappointed.

Joaquim de Almeida, who you should remember equally Bucho in Desperado, is the bad guy here.

I can forgive anything director John Herzfeld does in this moving picture as I am forever grateful for his introduction of the hot Charlize Theron in 2 Days in the Valley.

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2 /10


I rented this movie thinking, "Hey, Paul Walker wasn't as well bad in the fast and furious films and Laurence Fishburne is merely awesome so why not go it?" Well friends, looks can and are deceiving, and I learned the hard way last evening watching this flick. The director is trying then bad to proceed you involved (or wanting to be involved) and for me information technology wasn't happening. The whole 'syking anybody out to think I'chiliad Bobby Z' script work got old actually quick, Paul Walker'southward interim was sub par (I oasis't seen a lot of his work simply I've been told by many that he's not that great of an actor). I cannot imagine what went through Laurence Fishburne's head when choosing to exist in this film, he has done better, Mode meliorate! There are way besides many close upward shots of Paul Walker (for absolutely no other reason than to prove off his "Good Looks" and play some really lame music forth with it). There is always some hot girl and a kid involved that need their lives saved, if yous've seen it once, you've seen information technology a hundred times (but this time with Paul Walker). I propose this film to people who merely similar Paul Walker and his shut ups and non action flicks, considering thats about all you go. Walker couldn't portray a criminal to salve his life! Sorry Paul Walker fans, your boy permit me down.

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The double life of Bobby Z

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The mere idea of having a homo serving time to impersonate a notorious drug dealer who is in Thailand running away from justice is preposterous, to put it mildly! How do the creators of "The Death and Life and Bobby Z" ever thought, for reality sake, to be able to fifty-fifty remember that by sending the former marine, now a con human, into the lion's den without at ane bespeak beingness discovered equally a fake? The whole affair is the idea of a corrupt law enforcement officeholder who thinks he will employ the former marine to get at the kingpin of the drug empire who supplied the original Bobby Z with his merchandise.

The movie is not totally horrible, equally activity films become. The master problem is the many plot holes in the narrative that the creators probably didn't count on, or thought their viewers wouldn't figure out how the whole mess was going to turn out. John Herzfeld directed the screen play past Bob Krakower and Allan Lawrence. The brownie gap is huge when the people involved asks us to take things that don't make also much sense.

If yous can buy the fact that Elizabeth would not know who the impostor was correct abroad, then there is no problem enjoying this moving picture that from all indication went straight to video.

Paul Walker is the action hero. The trouble with his acting that he doesn't show any credible emotion. An uncredited Bruce Dern is the narrator that gives us an account of Bobby Z's accomplishments in that la-la country of Southern California. Joaquim de Almeida plays another one of his bad guys. Laurence Fishburne has nothing to play with. Gorgeous Olivia Wilde appears every bit Elizabeth, Bobby Z's old girlfriend. Keith Carradine has a small-scale part.

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5 /10

Straight to Video

There is nothing much to be also excited of at this movie, just yet entertaining. I wonder why information technology made its way to the silverish screen because it'southward not better than dozens of Straight to Video productions. Storywise, you will go naught more than you'd besides get if you rent a Jean-Claude Van Damme Film. Same goes for "character development". There are some nice shootouts and fights, merely cipher remarkable. It sometimes feels every bit if you were watching a moving-picture show from the seventies: there is null actually fashionable or spectacular in the activeness scenes. Although information technology feels skillful to see motion picture that doesn't use the much common and enough-seen fashion of today'southward activeness flicks, the style this film shows the action seems out-dated. Also the picture show'southward pace should exist college, again information technology feels 70s-ish. As usual these days, in that location are some nice twists and turns in the story. Paul Walker does a decent task, but non as convincing every bit in "Running Scared". Laurence Fishburne he fails to put whatever life in his bad guy role. I am non impressed of Olivia Wilde in the leading female function. At least she tries hard to exist more than than decorative. 5/x

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2 /ten

Sad and disappointing - See it at your ain peril

I must say upfront I found 'The Death & Life of Bobby Z' to be quite sad and disappointing. I accept read a great volume by the writer from where it came (half read another) and I really felt allow downward with this effort on screen. All I tin can retrieve of is that the director John Herzfeld (15 Minutes, ii Days in the Valley) didn't become to do what he wanted to practice. I am sure he loved the volume, which rights for were purchased for a considerable sum.

The story is that DEA agent Tad Gruzsa, played by Laurence Fishburne, provides onetime Marine Tim Kearney, played past Walker, with a style out of his prison judgement. By impersonating the legendary criminal Bobby Z... I felt it was a little too convoluted, slow in places (read 'quite boring'), stupid too in others, and don't call up Paul Walker, or (surprisingly) Fishburne clinched their characters in what should have been an action, reasonably fast paced thriller.

Please practice non watch this movie. Information technology was very woeful... It was pitiful to see the great Neo, the terrific Laurence Fishburne incur this. Paul Walker? Forget it...

I was looking forward to seeing this film on the power of Laurence Fishburne primarily, Paul Walker, and secondly the writer of the source (book) material, Don Winslow. I'k certain this book was cracking, like the i I have read 'The Winter of Frankie Machine' which is being turned into a movie with Robert De Niro starring, 'The Winter of Frankie Auto' by Scorcese...

Simply 'The Death & Life of Bobby Z' is ane of the nigh woeful films, sloppy piece of celluloid dross, I have had the misfortune to see in a very long… Run into it at your ain peril.

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9 /10

Paul Walker delivers to united states of america a great action film again!!!

I was expecting some good stuff from this movie considering I am a Paul Walker fan, plus he has never been in a horrible movie and Running Scared was ane of the greatest action dramas always made. I as well loved many of his other films such as The Fast and The Furious, 2 Fast ii Furious, Joyride, and Into The Blue. Anyways back to his newest pic that I saw last night, Bobby Z. Like I said I expected some good action from this and I was more than pleased by the storyline, the numerous action scenes, and the load of stars that follow Walker in the motion picture such every bit Lawrence Fishburne, Olivia Wilde, Jacob Vargas, and more. I have actually heard a few people say that Paul is a horrible actor, but they just need to proceed their mouths shut because they don't know what they are talking well-nigh. Paul Walker has delivered practiced entertainment to the audience every since The Fast and the Furious and he's a corking actor if you ask me. Bobby Z is probably ane of the best directly to DVD movies I have ever seen, information technology delivers good action along with a tricky side that you never see coming. I give this motion-picture show a 9 out of 10 because of the tremendous action and simply macho portrayal of it by Paul Walker. He's a groovy actor and no one thought this movie was going to exist good before they seen information technology so I promise they believe me now. I highly recommend this movie if you are a Paul Walker fan like me or if you are an action junkie like me. 9 out of ten, best direct to DVD rating from me ever!!!

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four /10

crap crime thriller that has underwhelming spectacle and tawrid melodrama.

Warning: Spoilers

Bobby Z is the halfway signal within Paul Walker's short filmography. Whilst never a great actor, Walker had looks and charisma to exist a star and if not for his tragic expiry, he would be i of 1 Hollywood's biggest action stars by now. He proved he could carry a moving picture by himself such equally he did in the hyperstyle headache known as Running Scared. Withal, Bobby Z is definitely one of his weaker films and through whatsoever misfortune such as lack of money or commitment, comes off every bit simply a direct to video affair with a big ass studio budget of twenty two million dollars.

God knows what happened, but someone cached this film and whilst mediocre, i sure every bit hell have seen worse action films at the cinema. Bobby Z makes more sense now since I institute out it was an accommodation of a law-breaking novel. Here was me thinking why are there so many secondary and third characters fleshed out for no point whatsoever and at present information technology all makes sense now. Poor adaptation of a book that probably wasn't all that good to brainstorm with. The plot simply does not translate well into the Smoking Aces like action moving picture they are trying to make here.

Information technology's that awkward combination of character and plot that works perfectly fine on paper, just if not given the right handling, will come up off on screen as overwrought. It doesn't help that the characters are all types we have seen a thousand times before and are not worth talking about. This is just some other laissez faire depiction of the disastrous war on drugs that has taken thousands of lives already and it all was very coy and gay and i didn't care for information technology. Bobby Z is a beneath average criminal offense activeness thriller that does not evangelize in either spectacle or drama and whose merely two highlights probably took upward half the budget.

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4 /x

Silly story and bad acting

Warning: Spoilers

Feeling, and looking, similar an extended episode of CSI, "The Death and Life of Bobby Z" is uninspiring and boring. The story is silly and convoluted, involving a usually lack-lustre Paul Walker impersonating a legendary Drug Dealer, played by the deliciously floppy haired Jason Lewis. Laurence Fishburne plods along with a past-the-numbers bad guy role and Olivia Wilde equally the love-involvement, female lead is dull and mediocre. Paul walker is one of the worst actors in Hollywood today. How does he keep on getting piece of work? Not very inspired just less than discerning viewers may enjoy all the running and shooting and explosions. Snooze!

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viii /10

Things aren't always what they seem.

Alarm: Spoilers

Almost non-end action. Tim Kearney(Paul Walker)is a sometime Marine, and a three time loser and is serving his time in prison. His life has the run a risk to change when a scheming DEA agent, Ted Gruza(Laurence Fishburne), needs somebody to impersonate drug lord Bobby Z(Jason Lewis), who has died of a heart attack while in a prison in the Philippines. Gruza wants to merchandise Bobby for a DEA agent held in United mexican states. Kearney is a dead ringer and sees his take a chance to pull a double cantankerous and remain a free man. Before long things go awry and he is chased by a biker gang, Mexican drug profiteers and Gruza with his own agenda. Tim gets valuable assistance from one of the real Bobby Z'south ex-girlfriends(Olivia Wilde). Plenty of explosive activity and a story that sucks you in. Others featured: Keith Carradine, Rebecca Chaney, Joaquim De Almeida, Jason Flemyng and JR Villarreal.

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vii /x

Manlike man Paul Walker strikes once more

Let me just start off by maxim that i am quite an gentleman of Paul Walker even thou he is non such a good actor i kinda like his style, this item flick had in my opinion a horrible script and a lot of pieces that didn't fit at all but it was really entertaining at least for my part. I gave it a seven, even thou i recall i might have over rated information technology,the actress thou that played Elizabeth, i don't know her proper name nevertheless simply i will check information technology out after i post this comment, is a complete knock - out and i would see this motion-picture show again just for another glimpse at her beauty-full face.

In an other of business i was quite surprised by the distribution of Lawrance Fishbourne in a secondary part similar the one he had, i consider him a pretty practiced actor, a lot amend than "manlike homo" Paul Walker.

In the stop i'k only gonna say that i retrieve they casted P. Walker just because he is a skillful "moaner" seeing him doing nearly the aforementioned "battle sounds" in every film he had played in GrrrAAaarRRr (lookout man and listen closely). Cya

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x /10

Couldn't stop watching!

I was toggling dorsum & forth between the Wisconsin Badgers Football season opener & this picture on DVR AND IT WAS COMPELLING Plenty that for awhile I forgot to flip back to the game!!! And so manifestly I have no idea why this audience-tested badly or why people call back Paul Walker tin can't act. Plus he'southward got a great cast to back him upwards...

The mystery of why this was going down hooked me early & I cared about what happened to these people (at least the good guys) For the daughter-watchers out there ~ Olivia Wild is jaw-droppingly GORGEOUS!! I Can't believe I've seen movies with her in them earlier & not noticed!!! Definitely worth the rental price if you have to go that route.

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2 /10

A Dreary Rehash of the Likewise Familiar Drugs/Gangster/Bad Cop Story

How this story of freeing a deadly criminal from prison house to act equally a stand-in for an at big criminal (Bobby Z) to bring revenge and closure to corruption on every level of the playing field can continue to be reproduced ad infinitum volition remain a puzzle. This tired, poorly acted, hyper kinetic desert motion picture wastes the talent of some proficient actors, gives plenty of killings to watch, and then introduces counterfeit kindness every bit a reason for making the flick, is a motion-picture show to avoid.

Paul Walker is the released Bobby Z look-alike who volition be freed from his life in prison by Laurence Fishburne'south cop image if he only shows up in Mexico as bait for drug lord Joaquin de Almeida'southward hostage demands for Fishburne'southward partner. Of course information technology all goes incorrect at the exchange signal, allowing the fake Bobby Z to discover a female interest (Olivia Wilde) also as a little boy (J.R. Villarreal) who is supposedly the son of the existent Bobby Z (and therefore is taken in by the fake Bobby Z), and the rest is merely a messy chase sequence and series of killings and kidnappings. The bad guys outnumber the adept guys, and, well the residual is yesterday's sandwich. Not recommended fifty-fifty if there is nil else on the shelves to rent! Grady Harp

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2 /10

Continuety issues and poor interim

Expecting a Tarrantinian blazon of experience, I was greatly disappointed with this movie. Not even the talented Laurence Fishburne could drag the cast's overall acting performance to mediocrity. The residual of the cast demonstrated rigid, theatrical acting in a Charlie's Angels's style train of semi-connected events. The plot suffers from stereotypical characters like the bad cop, loser-turning-into-an-honourable-"doing-the-right-thing"-man, evil latino mafia boss, and contemptuous drug dealer. Several goofs scarred the picture besides. Eg. when Bobby Z jumped into the water right backside the moving boat, he jumped in the white stir created by the boat'southward propeller. When he crawled onto the boat, it was not moving and the h2o was calm.

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three /10

Not sure well-nigh this one...

Mixed feelings. Too much if left to take chances and movie convenience. Non much is justified hither and the conclusion to be a comedy or action drama interwtines so much that information technology leaves y'all however wondering at the end...

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10 /ten

A discussion for word scene by scene adaption of the volume.

I bought this book in the black writer section of a Armed forces PX(AAFES), And so y'all could imagine my surprise when I opened it up and was reading about a Mathew Mc- kind-of-gay toe headed surfer drug dealer blazon. I read the book and this is a give-and-take for give-and-take scene by scene adaption of the book, well the crib sail of the book. Several scenes of the book were not in it for fourth dimension and budgetary reasons. A' la ane of Bobby-Z's great escapes took place in a crowded theme park, and to movie that with the price of X-tras and such would have added an easy absurd million. They as well let off all of Booby-Z's desert storm wink-dorsum equally well. The concluding scene shoot-out was a downward-play equally well but all the characters were there. Manifestly this well a well produced, they didn't skimp on the production values but they did on scenes and such. The opening desert trunk for trunk exchange should have been what pre-ceded , the mail service shoot-out desert scene that was in "No country for old-men." WIth the trucks and dead Mexican Mafia hench-men laying every-where. But it was scaled down, again for budgetary and time restraints. Paul WALKER was perfectly bandage as a Mathew McCONAUGHEY's younger edgier fiddling brother. A 3 time loser who'due south winning at escaping the feds, the cartel, and the bikers who are trying to kill him. I read the volume, this is the volume, I got what I came for PERIOD.

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eight /ten

Escape artists never die

Warning: Spoilers

Although I've never really been a fan of action films, "The Death and Life of Bobby Z" is a pic that I saw when I was much younger, and it'south one of the few of the genre that I can yet remember of. Last night I watched it again, and I may now sympathise why it'southward so adept: it has a very cool plot. This story's writers accept invented a lot of messy situations in which corrupt people and criminals try to fool each other, and the one who gets away with it is, apparently, our nostalgic actor Paul Walker. He plays a convicted that needs to pretend being the famous Bobby Z, in lodge to escape from his certain side by side conviction. It feels right, for me, to state that Walker does his task perfectly, despite the fact that he looks more like a model than like a brigand. His character in here is similar to Van Damme's in 1999's "Inferno". Directing is as well very well done, delivering plenty of enjoyable scenes, which end upwards bringing irony and fun, instead of suspense-- which is more than ofttimes in action films. So, long story short, "The Death and Life of Bobby Z" is a project that proves to be Not bad, and I really want to know why it'southward nevertheless so unknown in mainstream.

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viii /10

lots of fun

I quite like Paul Walker, just the way he did in Running Scared and Into the Blue. Though his act is notwithstanding and then so, but frankly he bear witness lots of fun in his movies. Walker washed best portraying a rebellious smart-ass in his movies. Bobby Z is taken into this account. Fishburne every bit always, doing great. But Olivia is lack in her function, needs to show in more persuasive:). I think the director doing and then well to evangelize a crunchy, easy to chew, and also entertaining moving-picture show. Plus, the plot kept you eager to know the whole story, every bit information technology started with mystery and show its cover during the story goes. I tin say, I'grand having fun watching this pic. Thus, I can give this 8 out of x for satisfying the audience with fun.

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three /10

B Grade Flick

Alarm: Spoilers

This movie could have been a lot more than jazzed up for its weak plot. The movie's plot as such is given away in the start few minutes. I could guess the residue of the movie in get-go five minutes. Paul Walker's interim is at its low in this moving picture. Lawrence Fishborne, could he even accept up such movies afterwards Matrix. This movie seems like nothing simply amateur direction and production. The "real" grapheme of Bobby Z is so weak. After all the hype virtually him being a legend, I mean the last few scenes he seems nothing less than a monkey on dope. Overall, the sparse plot could have been thickened and the movie could have been jazzed upward. I retrieve Paul Walker did a better job in Running scared than this movie.

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10 /10

What an awesome motion picture this one was

The Death and Life of Bobby Z is an action thriller with nifty action, humour, great fight scenes and an first-class storyline. The film which stars Paul Walker, Laurence Fishburne, Olivia Wilde, J.R Villarreal, Jason Flemyng, Keith Carradine, Joaquim De Almeida, Chuck Liddell and Jason Lewis is as well absolutely bright and has some fantabulous acting past these actors. I loved watching the film because information technology had so many great things about it and I dear Paul Walkers interim equally well as some of his other skills such as his fighting skills. I take 17 of Paul Walkers films on DVD and I love to lookout his films which shows him fighting because he is an excellent fighter. The film is crawly, has some not bad fight scenes and Paul Walkers fighting was crawly and powerful. If he was living he would have been a Black Chugalug in Brazilian Ju Jitsu. Laurence Fishburnes acting in this film was also absolutely vivid and he did the function of Tad Grusza brilliantly and he was amazing. The humour in this film was as well cracking and I really enjoyed watching this film and will definitely watch it again. This movie is tense and the action in this film is excellent and great to sentinel.

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