Definition of Race in Geography

race 1



1. A group of people identified as distinct from other groups because of supposed physical or genetic traits shared by the group. Most biologists and anthropologists do not recognize race as a biologically valid classification, in part because there is more genetic variation within groups than between them.

2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the Celtic race.

3. A genealogical line; a lineage.

4. Humans considered as a group.

5. Biology

a. A usually geographically isolated population of organisms that differs from other populations of the same species in certain heritable traits: an island race of birds.

b. A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.

6. A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine.


1. Of or relating to race; racial: race relations; race quotas.

2. Of or relating to forms of popular entertainment made by and largely marketed to African Americans in the early 1900s: race literature; race records.

[Middle French rasse, race, lineage, race, from Old Italian razza, probably from Old French haraz, stud farm for horses : Old French *har-, gray, gray-haired (as in French dialectal (Normandy) harousse, nag, old mare; perhaps in reference to the graying of stud horses with age and from Old Norse hārr, gray-haired, hoaryakin to English hoar) or Old French *har-, hair (perhaps in reference to the fact that stud horses are no longer regularly saddled; akin to French dialectal (Norman) har, hair, in monter á har, to ride on hair, ride bareback, from Old Norse hār, hairakin to English hair) + Old French -az, -as, n. suff. (from Latin -āceus, -aceous).]

race 2



1. Sports

a. A competition of speed, as in running or riding.

b. races A series of such competitions held at a specified time on a regular course: a fan of the dog races.

2. An extended competition in which participants struggle like runners to be the winner: the presidential race.

3. Steady or rapid onward movement: the race of time.


a. A strong or swift current of water.

b. The channel of such a current.

c. An artificial channel built to transport water and use its energy. Also called raceway.

5. A groovelike part of a machine in which a moving part slides or rolls.

v. raced, rac·ing, rac·es

v. intr.

1. Sports To compete in a contest of speed.

2. To move rapidly or at top speed: We raced home. My heart was racing with fear.

3. To run too rapidly due to decreased resistance or unnecessary provision of fuel: adjusted the idle to keep the engine from racing.

v. tr.

1. Sports

a. To compete against in a race.

b. To cause to compete in a race: She races horses for a living.

2. To transport rapidly or at top speed; rush: raced the injured motorist to the hospital.

3. To cause (an engine with the gears disengaged, for example) to run swiftly or too swiftly.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. a contest of speed, as in running, swimming, driving, riding, etc

2. any competition or rivalry: the race for the White House.

3. rapid or constant onward movement: the race of time.

4. (Physical Geography) a rapid current of water, esp one through a narrow channel that has a tidal range greater at one end than the other

5. (Human Geography) a channel of a stream, esp one for conducting water to or from a water wheel or other device for utilizing its energy: a mill race.

6. (Mechanical Engineering)

a. a channel or groove that contains ball bearings or roller bearings or that restrains a sliding component

b. the inner or outer cylindrical ring in a ball bearing or roller bearing

7. (Agriculture) Austral and NZ a narrow passage or enclosure in a sheep yard through which sheep pass individually, as to a sheep dip

8. (Australian Rules Football) Austral a wire tunnel through which footballers pass from the changing room onto a football field

9. (Mining & Quarrying) NZ a line of containers coupled together, used in mining to transport coal

10. (Aeronautics) another name for slipstream1

11. archaic the span or course of life

12. not in the race informal Austral given or having no chance


13. to engage in a contest of speed with (another)

14. to engage (oneself or one's representative) in a race, esp as a profession or pastime: to race pigeons.

15. to move or go as fast as possible

16. (Automotive Engineering) to run (an engine, shaft, propeller, etc) or (of an engine, shaft, propeller, etc) to run at high speed, esp after reduction of the load or resistance

[C13: from Old Norse rās running; related to Old English rǣs attack]




1. (Anthropology & Ethnology) a group of people of common ancestry, distinguished from others by physical characteristics, such as hair type, colour of eyes and skin, stature, etc. Principal races are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid

2. (Anthropology & Ethnology) the human race human beings collectively

3. (Biology) a group of animals or plants having common characteristics that distinguish them from other members of the same species, usually forming a geographically isolated group; subspecies

4. a group of people sharing the same interests, characteristics, etc: the race of authors.

5. play the race card informal to introduce the subject of race into a public discussion, esp to gain a strategic advantage

[C16: from French, from Italian razza, of uncertain origin]



[C15: from Old French rais, from Latin rādīx a root]




(Placename) Cape Race a cape at the SE extremity of Newfoundland, Canada

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., v. raced, rac•ing. n.

1. a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing.

2. races, a series of races, run at a set time over a regular course.

3. any contest or competition, esp. to achieve superiority: an arms race.

4. an urgent effort, as when a solution is imperative: a race to find a vaccine.

5. onward movement; an onward or regular course.

6. the course of time or life.


a. a strong or rapid current of water, as in the sea or a river.

b. the channel or bed of such a current or of any stream.

8. an artificial channel leading water to or from a place where its energy is utilized.

9. a channel, groove, or the like, for sliding or rolling a part or parts, as the balls of a ball bearing.


10. to engage in a contest of speed; run a race.

11. to run horses or dogs in races.

12. to run, move, or go swiftly.

13. (of an engine, wheel, etc.) to run with undue or uncontrolled speed when the load is diminished without corresponding diminution of fuel, force, etc.


14. to run a race against.

15. to enter (a horse, car, etc.) in a race.

16. to cause to run, move, or go at high speed: to race a motor.

[1250–1300; < Old Norse rās a running, race]




1. a group of persons related by common descent or heredity.

2. Anthropol.

a. a classification of modern humans, sometimes, esp. formerly, based on an arbitrary selection of physical characteristics, as skin color, facial form, or eye shape, and now frequently based on such genetic markers as blood groups.

b. a human population partially isolated reproductively from other populations, whose members share a greater degree of physical and genetic similarity with one another than with other humans.

3. any people united by common history, language, cultural traits, etc.: the Dutch race.

4. the human race or family; humankind.

5. Zool. a variety; subspecies.

6. any group, class, or kind, esp. of persons.

7. the characteristic taste or flavor of wine.

[1490–1500; < French < Italian razza, of uncertain orig.]




Cape, a cape at the SE extremity of Newfoundland.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


rule by Caucasians, especially Europeans.

the sociological study of race using anthropological methods. — anthroposociological, adj.

the policy of strict racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-whites practiced in the Republic of South Africa.

1. a doctrine propagandized by Nazism asserting that the so-called Aryan peoples were superior to all others in the practice of government and the development of civilization.
2. a belief in this doctrine and acceptance of its social and ethical implications, especially with regard to the treatment of so-called inferior races. — Aryanist, n.

obtuse or narrow-minded intolerance, especially of other races or religions. — bigot, n. , — bigoted, adj.

the principle or practice of combining or representing two separate races, as white and Negro, on governing boards, committees, etc. — biracialist, biracial, adj.

Biology. the study of the operation of factors that cause degeneration in offspring, especially as applied to factors unique to separate races. Also called dysgenics. — cacogenic, adj.

the state of being a creole.

the quality of belonging to a particular race, region, or country. — endemicity, n.

a government controlled by a particular race or national group. — ethnocratic, adj.

the study of the geographical distribution of racial groups and the relationship between them and their environments. — ethnogeographer, n. ethnogeographic, adj.

the psychology of races and peoples. — ethnopsychological, adj.

the blend of factors and influences most suitable for the improvement of the inherited characteristics of a breed or race, especially the human race. — eugenic, adj.

the art or science of improving a race or breed, especially the human race, by control of external influences, as environment. See also improvement.

1. the deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial or national group.
2. an actor in this process. — genocidal, adj.

the state or quality of being non-Jewish, and especially a heathen or pagan.

the theory or doctrine that the white race in general and the Germanic race in particular are superior to all other peoples.

the combination of educational and other public facilities, previously segregated by race, into unified systems shared by all races. — integrationist, n. , adj.

the principles, beliefs, and attitudes influencing actions aimed at improving relations among differing races. — interracial, adj.

the belief that blacks are mentally inferior to whites, based on results of intelligence tests that failed to account for such differences as test questions slanted in favor of whites, lack of cultural and educational oppor-tunities among blacks, etc. — Jensenist, n., adj.

the condition of belonging to the Caucasian race and having dark hair and a light complexion. — Melanochroic, adj. Melanochroid, adj., n.

1. the interbreeding of members of different races.
2. cohabitation or marriage between a man and woman of different races, especially, in the U.S., between a Negro and a white person.
3. the mixing or mixture of races by interbreeding.

the belief that all human races descended from a common ancestral type. Also monogenesis, monogeny. — monogenist, n. monogenistic, adj.

the condition of being black; blackness.

the theory that all human races descended from two or more ancestral types. — polygenist, n. polygenistic, adj.

the belief in or practice of the doctrine of racism. — racialist, n. racialistic, adj.

a belief that human races have distinctive characteristics that determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one's race is superior and has the right to control others. — racist, adj.

the views and policies of those who would separate or maintain as separate rights, public facilities, etc., on the basis of race. See also apartheid.

a person who advocates supremacy of a particular group, especially a racial group.

the condition of belonging to the Caucasian race and having fair skin and blond hair. — Xanthochroi, Xanthocroid, n. Xanthochroic, Xanthocroid, adj.

-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


 a breed or class of individuals similar in appearance; a company; a row or series.

Examples: race of beasts, 1819; of birds; of youthful and unhandled colts, 1596; of cows, 1822; of coxcombs, 1712; of demi-gods, 1697; of doctors; of fishes, 1819; of grasses, 1802; of heavens (angels), 1667; of horses, 1781; of learned men, 1748; of plants, 1712; of poets, 1875; of serpents, 1774; of sheep, 1745; of stud of mares, 1547; of trains (a couple or set, or trains coupled together).

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: raced
Gerund: racing
I race
you race
he/she/it races
we race
you race
they race
I raced
you raced
he/she/it raced
we raced
you raced
they raced
Present Continuous
I am racing
you are racing
he/she/it is racing
we are racing
you are racing
they are racing
Present Perfect
I have raced
you have raced
he/she/it has raced
we have raced
you have raced
they have raced
Past Continuous
I was racing
you were racing
he/she/it was racing
we were racing
you were racing
they were racing
Past Perfect
I had raced
you had raced
he/she/it had raced
we had raced
you had raced
they had raced
I will race
you will race
he/she/it will race
we will race
you will race
they will race
Future Perfect
I will have raced
you will have raced
he/she/it will have raced
we will have raced
you will have raced
they will have raced
Future Continuous
I will be racing
you will be racing
he/she/it will be racing
we will be racing
you will be racing
they will be racing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been racing
you have been racing
he/she/it has been racing
we have been racing
you have been racing
they have been racing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been racing
you will have been racing
he/she/it will have been racing
we will have been racing
you will have been racing
they will have been racing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been racing
you had been racing
he/she/it had been racing
we had been racing
you had been racing
they had been racing
I would race
you would race
he/she/it would race
we would race
you would race
they would race
Past Conditional
I would have raced
you would have raced
he/she/it would have raced
we would have raced
you would have raced
they would have raced

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun 1. race - any competition race - any competition; "the race for the presidency"

contest, competition - an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants

arms race - a competition between nations to have the most powerful armaments

campaign, political campaign, run - a race between candidates for elective office; "I managed his campaign for governor"; "he is raising money for a Senate run"

2. race - a contest of speed; "the race is to the swift"

contest, competition - an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants

auto race, automobile race, car race - a race between (usually high-performance) automobiles

bicycle race - a race between people riding bicycles

boat race - a race between people rowing or driving boats

burnup - a high-speed motorcycle race on a public road

chariot race - a race between ancient chariots

dog racing - a race between dogs; usually an occasion for betting on the outcome

foot race, footrace, run - a race run on foot; "she broke the record for the half-mile run"

freestyle - a race (as in swimming) in which each contestant has a free choice of the style to use

cross country - a long race run over open country

heat - a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race

horse race - a contest of speed between horses; usually held for the purpose of betting

potato race - a novelty race in which competitors move potatoes from one place to another one at a time

sack race - a novelty race in which competitors jump ahead with their feet confined in a sack

scratch race - a race in which all contestants start from scratch (on equal terms)

ski race, skiing race - a race between people wearing skis

relay race, relay - a race between teams; each member runs or swims part of the distance

repechage - a race (especially in rowing) in which runners-up in the eliminating heats compete for a place in the final race

3. race - people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock; "some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings"

group, grouping - any number of entities (members) considered as a unit

people of color, people of colour, colour, color - a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks)

Herrenvolk, master race - a race that considers itself superior to all others and fitted to rule the others

Black race, Negro race, Negroid race - a dark-skinned race

Caucasian race, Caucasoid race, White people, White race - a light-skinned race

Mongolian race, Mongoloid race, Yellow race - an Asian race

Amerindian race, Indian race - usually included in the Mongoloid race

Indian race - sometimes included in the Caucasian race; native to the subcontinent of India

Slavic people, Slavic race - a race of people speaking a Slavonic language

4. race - (biology) a taxonomic group that is a division of a species; usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a species


biological science, biology - the science that studies living organisms

taxon, taxonomic category, taxonomic group - animal or plant group having natural relations

5. race - the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller race - the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller

backwash, slipstream, airstream, wash

flow - any uninterrupted stream or discharge

6. race - a canal for a current of water


canal - long and narrow strip of water made for boats or for irrigation

Verb 1. race - move fast race - move fast; "He rushed down the hall to receive his guests"; "The cars raced down the street"

belt along, bucket along, cannonball along, hie, hotfoot, pelt along, rush, rush along, speed, step on it, hasten

go, locomote, move, travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"

barge, push forward, thrust ahead - push one's way; "she barged into the meeting room"

shoot down, tear, buck, charge, shoot - move quickly and violently; "The car tore down the street"; "He came charging into my office"

dash, scoot, scud, dart, flash, shoot - run or move very quickly or hastily; "She dashed into the yard"

2. race - compete in a race; "he is running the Marathon this year"; "let's race and see who gets there first"


compete, vie, contend - compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others

show - finish third or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to show"

place - finish second or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to place"

boat-race - participate in a boat race

horse-race - compete in a horse race

campaign, run - run, stand, or compete for an office or a position; "Who's running for treasurer this year?"

speed skate - race on skates

3. race - to work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others; "We are racing to find a cure for AIDS"

act, move - perform an action, or work out or perform (an action); "think before you act"; "We must move quickly"; "The governor should act on the new energy bill"; "The nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel"

4. race - cause to move fast or to rush or race; "The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze"


move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.




2. compete, run, contend, take part in a race He, too, will be racing here again soon.

3. run, fly, career, speed, tear, dash, hurry, barrel (along) (informal, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), dart, gallop, zoom, hare (Brit. informal), hasten, burn rubber (informal), go like a bomb (Brit. & N.Z. informal), run like mad (informal) They raced away out of sight.



noun people, ethnic group, nation, blood, house, family, line, issue, stock, type, seed (chiefly biblical), breed, folk, tribe, offspring, clan, kin, lineage, progeny, kindred We welcome students of all races, faiths and nationalities.

"No race has the last word on culture and on civilization" [Marcus Garvey speech]
"There are only two races on this planet - the intelligent and the stupid" [John Fowles]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



A vying with others for victory or supremacy:

battle, competition, contest, corrivalry, rivalry, strife, striving, struggle, tug of war, war, warfare.


To move swiftly:

bolt, bucket, bustle, dart, dash, festinate, flash, fleet, flit, fly, haste, hasten, hurry, hustle, pelt, rocket, run, rush, sail, scoot, scour, shoot, speed, sprint, tear, trot, whirl, whisk, whiz, wing, zip, zoom.

Chiefly British: nip.

Idioms: get a move on, get cracking, go like lightning, go like the wind, hotfoot it, make haste, make time, make tracks, run like the wind, shake a leg, step on it.

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


أحد الأعْراق البَشَرِيَّهجَنْسسِباقسِبَاقعِرق، جِنْس

závod rasa závodit rasový běžet o závod s

race væddeløb suse deltage i væddeløb løbe

kilpailla rotu kilpailu kisailla nopeuskilpailu

rasa trka utrka utrkivati se

faj száguld verseny

keppni, kapphlaup kynòáttur kynstofn òjóta òreyta kapphlaup

競争する 人種 地下茎 競う 競争

경주 경주하다 인종

gens genus

ātrumsacīkstes ciltis drāzties noskriet piedalīties ātrumsacīkstēs

bežať opreteky ísť plnou parou

dirka rasa tekmovati dirkati drveti

ras tävla kapptävling

เชื้อชาติ การวิ่งแข่ง วิ่งแข่ง

chủng tộc cuộc đua đua


1 [reɪs]


1. (= compete) [driver, athlete, horse] → correr, competir
to race against sbcompetir con algn (en una carrera)


2 [reɪs]

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(ZOOLOGY, BOTANY) (= species) → race f


[attack, crime, hate, discrimination, awareness] → racial(e) race card

vt fus
Then they will race down the motorway to Preston → Ensuite, ils fonceront sur l'autoroute jusqu'à Preston.

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005




nRennprogramm nt


n (esp Brit) → Rennbesucher(in) m(f)

race meeting

n (esp Brit) → Rennveranstaltung f



Race Relations Board

n (Brit) → Amt ntfür Rassenfragen

race walker

n (Sport) → Geher(in) m(f)




(liter: of sun, moon) → Lauf m



Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1 [reɪs]

3. vi

a. to race (against sb)correre (contro qn)


2 [reɪs]

1. nrazza
the human race → l'umanità

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(reis) noun

a competition to find who or which is the fastest. a horse race. wedren سِباق надбягване corrida závod, dostih das Rennen væddeløb; -væddeløb αγώνας δρόμου, κούρσα carrera võidujooks, võidusõit مسابقه kilpailu course מרוץ तेज चलने की प्रतियोगिता trka, utrkivanje verseny pacuan keppni, kapphlaup corsa, gara 競走 경주 lenktynės, varžybos ātrumsacīkstes perlumbaan wedren løp, renn wyścig سیالی،مسابقه corrida cursă гонки preteky; dostihy dirka trka kapplöpning, hastighetstävling การแข่งขัน yarış, koşu 賽跑 змагання на швидкість دوڑ کا مقابلہ cuộc đua 赛跑


1. to (cause to) run in a race. I'm racing my horse on Saturday; The horse is racing against five others. hardloop, ding mee يَشتَرِك في سِباق надбягвам се correndo přihlásit k závodu, závodit an einem Rennen teilnehmen løbe væddeløb; løbe τρέχω σε αγώνα δρόμου, βάζω άλογο να τρέξει σε ιπποδρομία correr, llevar a una carrera võidu jooksma مسابقه دادن kilpailuttaa courir לְהִתחָרוֹת तेज दौड़ना utrkivati se versenyt fut, versenyez; futtat memacu taka þátt í hlaupi correre, far correre* 競走する 경주에 출전하다 (leisti) lenktyniauti, dalyvauti varžybose piedalīties ātrumsacīkstēs melumba rennen (la) delta i vedde-/kappløp eller renn wystawić do wyścigu, ścigać się سیال کول،مسابقه کول (fazer) correr a participa la o cursă; a alerga într-o cursă участвовать в гонках pretekať dirkati trkati se tävla med แข่งวิ่งอย่างเร็ว yarışmak (使)賽跑 брати участь у перегонах تیزی سے دوڑنا tham gia cuộc đua, cuộc thi 赛跑

2. to have a competition with (someone) to find out who is the fastest. I'll race you to that tree. teen jou hardloop يُسابِق надпреварваме се correr běžet o závod s um die Wette laufen mit løbe om kap παραβγαίνω hacer una carrera võidu jooksma دویدن kilpailla faire une course avec לְהִתחָרוֹת तेज दौड़ने की प्रतियोगिता utrkivati se versenyez, versenyt fut (vkivel) berpacu þreyta kapphlaup gareggiare 競走する 경주하다 eiti lenktynių su skrieties; noskriet (kādu) berlumba om het hardst lopen løpe om kapp ścigać się z منده fazer uma corrida a se lua la întrecere (cu) бегать наперегонки bežať o preteky (s) tekmovati trkati se springa (rida, segla) i kapp med แข่งขันทางความเร็ว yarışmak, yarış etmek 競速比賽 змагатися в швидкості دوڑنے کا مقابلہ کرنا đua với ai 竞赛

3. to go etc quickly. He raced along the road on his bike. jaag يُسْرِع движа се бързо correr rapidamente jet plnou parou rasen suse τρέχω correr kihutama به سرعت رفتن kiitää filer לַנוּע מַהֵר तेजी से जाना juriti száguld ngebut þjóta andare di corsa* 疾走する 빨리 달리다 lėkti, dumti traukties; drāzties bergegas snellen rase av gårde mknąć ګړندي تلل andar a toda a pressa a merge în viteză нестись uháňať, ísť plnou parou drveti juriti köra med rasande fart ไปอย่างเร็ว hızla gitmek 疾馳 мчати تیزی سے جانا vội vã 疾驰

ˈracer noun

a car, bicycle etc built for competitive racing. renvoertuig قارِب أو سيّارَه مُصَمَّمَه خِصّيصا للسِّباق състезателна кола/лодка и пр. corrida závodní vůz der Rennwagen, das Rennrad racer- αγωνιστικό (όχημα) coche/bicicleta de carreras võidusõiduauto, võidusõiduratas تند رو kilpa-auto, -pyörä yms. voiture/vélo de course -מֵרוֹץ धावक vozilo za utrku versenygép, versenyautó mobil atau sepeda balap kappakstursbíll/-hjól automobile/bicicletta da corsa 競走車 경주하는 것 lenktyninis automobilis, dviratis sacīkšu modelis pelumba raceauto, racefiets racerbil/-sykkel osv. samochód, rower itd. wyścigowy په مسابقه كىګډون كوونكى: دمسابقى شيان (لكه موټر، اس، بايسكل de corrida vehicul de curse гоночныи автомобиль, велосипед pretekárske auto, bicykel ap. dirkalec trka; kapplöpningshäst, racerbil, -cykel, -båt คน สัตว์หรือพาหนะที่เข้าแข่งขันความเร็ว yarışmacı, müsabık 競速比賽的車輛 перегоновий автомобіль тощо دوڑ میں حصہ لینے والا xe đua 比赛用车

ˈracecourse noun

(a place with) a course over which horse races are run. renbaan حَلَبَة سِباق الخَيْل хиподрум hipódromo dostihová dráha die Rennbahn gallopbane; travbane ιππόδρομος hipódromo võidusõidurada میدان مسابقه kilparata champ de courses מַסלוּל מֵרוֹץ दौड़-मैदान hipodrom lóversenytér tempat pacuan kuda veðhlaupabraut; skeiðvöllur ippodromo 競走場 경주장 hipodromas hipodroms; skrejceļš balapan lumba kuda renbaan veddeløps-/travbane tor wyścigów konnych دلوبى ډګر دمسابقى ميدان hipódromo hipodrom ипподром dostihová dráha dirkališče trkačka staza kapplöpningsbana ลู่วิ่ง at yarış sahası, hipodrom 賽馬場 трек; іподром دوڑ کا راستہ trường đua 赛马场

ˈracehorse noun

a horse bred and used for racing. renperd جواد السِّباق състезателен кон cavalo de corrida závodní kůň das Rennpferd væddeløbshest άλογο κούρσας caballo de carreras võidusõiduhobune اسب مسابقه kilpahevonen cheval de course סוּס מֵרוֹץ दौड़ का घोड़ा trkaći konj versenyló kuda pacuan veðhlaupahestur cavallo da corsa 競走馬 경주마 lenktyninis arklys sacīkšu zirgs kuda lumba renpaard veddeløpshest koń wyścigowy د مسابقی آس cavalo de corrida cal de curse скаковая лошадь pretekársky kôň dirkalni konj trkački konj kapplöpningshäst ม้าแข่ง yarış atı 賽馬用的馬匹 скаковий кінь گھڑ دوڑ میں حصہ لینے والا گھوڑا ngựa đua 比赛用马

ˈracetrack noun

(a place with) a course over which races are run by cars, dogs, athletes etc. renbaan مَسْلَك سِباق الخَيْل писта pista de corridas závodní dráha die Rennstrecke væddeløbsbane στίβος pista de carreras võidusõidurada, hipodroom مسیر مسلبقه kilparata piste מַסלוּל מֵרוֹצִים दौड़ का मैदान, चौगान trkalište versenypálya lintasan pacuan veðhlaupabraut; kappakstursbraut; hlaupabraut pista 競走場 경주로 lenktynių trasa, trekas skrejceļš; trase; treks litar lumba renbaan, circuit veddeløpsbane tor wyścigowy د مسابقی مسیر pista de corridas pistă de curse трек pretekárska dráha dirkalna steza trkačka staza kapplöpnings-, löpar-, racerbana ลู่ที่ใช้แข่งขันความเร็ว koşu yolu, yarış pisti 競速比賽的跑道或賽場 бігова доріжка, трек ایسا میدان جہاں گھوڑوں، کتوں اور موٹر کاروں وغیرہ کی دوڑیں ہوتی ہیں đường đua 比赛跑道

ˈracing-car noun

a car specially designed and built for racing. renmotor سَيّارَة سِباق състезателна кола carro de corridas závodní vůz der Rennwagen racerbil αγωνιστικό αυτοκίνητο coche de carreras võidusõiduauto اتومبیل مسابقه kilpa-auto voiture de course מְכוֹנִית מֵרוֹץ दौड़ की कार trkaći automobil versenyautó mobil balap kappakstursbíll automobile da corsa レーシングカー 경주용 자동차 lenktyninis automobilis sacīkšu automobilis kereta lumba raceauto racerbil samochód wyścigowy د مسابقی موتر carro de corridas maşină de curse гоночный автомобиль pretekárske auto dirkalni avto trkačka kola racerbil รถแข่ง yarış arabası 賽車 перегоновий автомобіль دوڑ میں حصہ لینے والی موٹر کار xe đua 赛车

a race against time

a desperate attempt to do something before a certain time. wedren teen tyd يُسابِق الوَقْت отчаян опит corrida contra o tempo závod s časem Wettlauf mit der Zeit kapløb med tiden κούρσα ενάντια στο χρόνο una carrera contrarreloj võidujooks ajaga با سرعت هر چه تمام تر کارکردن kilpa aikaa vastaan course contre la montre מֵרוֹץ כְּנֶגֶד הַזמָן समय से होड़ utrka s vremenom versenyfutás az idővel berpacu dengan waktu keppni við tímann corsa contro il tempo 時間との競争 시간과의 경쟁 karštligiškas skubėjimas izmisīgi pūlēties paveikt laikā mengejar masa een race tegen de klok kappløp med tida wyścig z czasem ګړندي تلل corrida contra o tempo cursă con­tra cronometru гонка со временем preteky s časom tekma s časom trka protiv vremena en kapplöpning med tiden การแข่งกับเวลา zamana karşı yarış 亟力在特定時間之前做或完成某事,與時間賽跑 швидкісний пробіг کسی اہم کام کو جلد ختم کرنے کی کوشش chạy đua với thời gian 抢时间完成...,和时间赛跑

the races

a meeting for horse-racing. perdewedrenne لِقاء سِباق الخَيْل конни надбягвания as corridas dostihy das Pferderennen hestevæddeløb ιπποδρομίες las carreras ratsavõistlus مسابقات اسبدوانی ratsastuskilpailut les courses (de chevaux) מִפגָש סוּסֵי מֵרוֹץ घुड़दौड़ के लिए बैठक utrka konja lóverseny, galopp pacuan kuda veðreiðar corse 競馬 경마 대회 lenktynės zirgu skriešanās sacīkstes lumba kuda paardenrennen veddeløp wyścigi د آس چلوونکی سیالی as corridas curse (de cai) скачки dostihy konjske dirke trkalište tävlingarna, kapplöpningarna การแข่งม้าวิ่งเร็ว at yarışı 賽馬會 перегони, гонки گھڑ دوڑ کے لیے ہونے والا اجلاس kỳ đua ngựa 赛马会


(reis) noun

1. any one section of mankind, having a particular set of characteristics which make it different from other sections. the Negro race; the white races; (also adjective) race relations. ras عِرْق، جِنْس بَشَري раса raça rasa; rasový die Rasse; Rassen... race; race- φυλή, φυλετικός raza rass نژاد rotu race; racial גזע जाति rasa (ember)fajta ras kynþáttur/-stofn razza, razziale 人種 인종. 민족 rasė rase bangsa, kaum ras rase rasa نژاد raça rasă; rasial раса rasa; rasový rasa rasa ras เชื้อชาติ ırk 種族 раса نسل chủng người 种族

2. the fact of belonging to any of these various sections. the problem of race. ras عِرق، جِنْس раса raça rasa die Rasse; Rassen-... race- φυλετική καταγωγή raza rassikuuluvus طبقه rotu race גזע जाति या नस्ल rasizam „faj", (helyesen:) (ember)fajta ras kynþáttur/-stofn razza 人種 특정 민족(인종)에 속해 있는 상태 rasė rase perkauman ras rase rasa طبقه raça rasă расовая принадлежность rasa izvor rasa ras กลุ่ม ırk 人種 походження نسل کا مسءلہ sắc tộc 人种

3. a group of people who share the same culture, language etc; the Anglo-Saxon race. ras, kultuur أحد الأعْراق البَشَرِيَّه раса raça kmen das Geschlecht race γένος, φύλο raza tõug, sugu طایفه rotu race גזע जाति narod, etnička zajednica népcsoport,„világ" ras kynstofn/-þáttur razza, discendenza 民族 동족 집단 rasė tauta[]; cilt[]s suku kaum volk folkeslag rasa کورنی raça rasă; neam племя, род kmeň rasa rasa ras, släkte, stam มนุษยชาติ เผ่าพันธุ์ etnik grup 民族 раса ایک ہی تہذیب اور زبان سے تعلق رکھنے والے لوگ tộc người 民族

racial (ˈreiʃəl) adjective

of, or having to do with, race or a particular race. racial characteristics; racial discrimination/hatred. rasseverwant عُنْصُري، عِرْقي расов racial rasový rassisch race- φυλετικός racial rassiline نژادی rotu- racial גזעי जातीय, नस्ली rasna, rasni emberfajtákra vonatkozó, faji rasial kynþátta- razziale 民族の 인종의 rasinis, rasės rasu-; rasisks diskriminasi kaum rassen- rase-, rasemessig rasowy دتوكم، دنسل، نژادى racial rasial расовый rasový rasen rasni ras- เกี่ยวกับเชื้อชาติ ırkla ilgili, ırksal 種族的 расовий نسلی thuộc sắc tộc 种族的

ˈracialism (ˈreiʃə-) , ˈracism noun

1. the belief that some races of men are better than others. rassisme العِرْقِيَّه расизъм racismo rasismus der Rassismus racisme φυλετισμός racismo rassism نژاد پرستی rasismi racisme גזענות जातिवाद, नस्लवाद rasizam rasialisme kynþáttahroki razzismo 民族的優越感 민족주의적 신념 rasizmas rasisms diskriminasi racisme raseideologi, rasisme rasizm تبعیض racismo rasism расизм rasizmus rasizem rasizam rasism การเหยียดสีผิว ırkçılık 種族主義 расизм نسلی خصوصیات chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc 种族主义

2. prejudice against someone on the grounds of his race. rassisme تَعَصُّب عِرْقي расизъм racismo rasismus der Rassismus racisme ρατσισμός racismo rassieelarvamused تبعض نژادی rasismi racisme גזענות जातिभेद, नस्ली भेदभाव rasizam rasisme kynþáttafordómar razzismo 人種的偏見 민족적 편견 rasizmas rasu aizspriedumi rasisme, rasialisme racisme rasefordom rasizm د نژادی تبعیض racismo rasism расовая дискриминация rasizmus rasizem rasizam rasism การเหยียดเชื้อชาติ ırkçılık, ırksal ön yargı 種族歧視 расова дискримінація نسلی تعصب sự thù địch chủng tộc 种族偏见

ˈracialist (ˈreiʃə-) , ˈracist noun, adjective

racist attitudes. rassis مُتَعَصِّب للعِرْق، مُمارِس العُنْصُرِيَّه расист racista rasista, rasistický der/die Rassist; rassistisch racistisk ρατσιστής, ρατσιστικός racista rassistlik نژادپرست rasisti raciste גזעני नस्लवादी, जातिवादी rasist rasialis kynþáttahatari razzista 人種差別主義者[] 인종 차별주의자 rasistas; rasistinis rasists; rasistisks; rasu- orang yang bersifat perkauman racist rasist; rasistisk rasista, rasistowski نژاد پرست racista rasist расист rasista; rasistický rasist rasista rasist อคติทางเชื้อชาติ ırkçı 種族歧視的 расист نسل پرست người theo chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc 种族主义者;,种族主义的

the human race

mankind. die mensdom الجِنْس البَشَري човечеството a corrida da humanidade lidstvo das Menschengeschlecht den menneskelige race; menneskeheden το ανθρώπινο γένος el género humano inimkond نژاد بشر ihmiskunta la race humaine הַגֶזַע הָאֱנוֹשִׁי मानव जाति ljudska rasa, čovječanstvo az emberiség, az emberi nem umat manusia mannkyn razza umana 人類 인류 žmonija, žmonių giminė cilvēce manusia berbilang bangsa het menselijk geslacht menneskeslekten rodzaj ludzki انسان ، بنمى ادم ، وګړى، بشر ، دانسان ذات ، نارينه humanidade rasa umană человечество ľudstvo človeška rasa čovečanstvo människosläktet มนุษยชาติ insanlık 人類 рід людський, людство نسل انسانی loài người 人类

of mixed race

having ancestors (especially parents) from two or more different human races. gemengde ras مُخَتَلَط الأجناس с родители от различни раси mestiço míšenecký verschiedener Rassen af blandet race μιγάς mestizo segavereline دو رگه sekarotuinen métissé בֵּין-גִזעִי मिश्रित जाति miješane rase, mješanci kevert fajtájú, származású ras campuran kynblendingur di razza mista 混血の 혼혈의 mišrios rasės dažādu rasu-; jauktu rasu- percampuran kaum van gemengde afkomst blandingsrase, mulatt mieszanej rasy دو رګه mestiço metis смешанной расы miešaná rasa mešanec mešane rase av blandad härkomst พันธุ์ผสม; ต่างเชื้อชาติ değişik soydan 混血的 змішаного походження مخلوط نسل کا đa sắc tộc 混合人种的

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


جَنْس, سِبَاق, يَتَسابق rasa, závod, závodit deltage i væddeløb, race, væddeløb Rasse, um die Wette laufen, Wettrennen κούρσα, συμμετέχω σε αγώνα δρόμου, φυλή carrera, echar una carrera, raza kilpailla, nopeuskilpailu, rotu course, faire la course, race rasa, utrka, utrkivati se correre, corsa, razza レース, 人種, 競争する 경주, 경주하다, 인종 race, ras, rennen kappes, kappløp, rase rasa, ścigać się, wyścig competir em corrida, corrida, raça раса, состязание в беге или в скорост, состязаться в скорости kapptävling, ras, tävla เชื้อชาติ, การวิ่งแข่ง, วิ่งแข่ง ırk, yarış, yarışmak chủng tộc, cuộc đua, đua 种族, 赛跑

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. raza, grupo étnico diferenciado por características comunes heredadas.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

  • I'd like to see a horse race → أَوَدُّ أَنْ أُشَاهِدَ سِبَاقَ خَيْلٍ؟ → Chtěl bych se jít podívat na koňské dostihy → Jeg vil gerne se et hestevæddeløb → Ich möchte gern ein Pferderennen sehen → Θα ήθελα να δω μια ιπποδρομία → Quisiera ver una carrera de caballos → Haluaisin nähdä ravikilpailun → J'aimerais voir une course de chevaux → Želim gledati konjske trke → Vorrei assistere ad una corsa di cavalli → 私は競馬を観戦したいのですが → 경마를 보고 싶어요 → Ik wil graag een paardenrace zien → Jeg vil gjerne se et hesteveddeløp → Chciałbymobejrzeć wyścigi konne → Eu queria ver uma corrida de cavalos → Мне бы хотелось посмотреть на конные скачки → Jag skulle vilja gå på hästkapplöpning → ฉันอยากดูแข่งม้า → At yarışı seyretmek istiyorum → Tôi muốn xem đua ngựa → 我想去看赛马

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n (of people) raza; vi (one's heart) latir rápido (el corazón)

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Definition of Race in Geography


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